Manual water pump - Homegrid

Manual water pump

Category: Water


-Discharge – 16.5 litres per minute over 40 strokes or 412 ml in one stroke
-Static water lever – 20 metres to 45 metres
-Stroke length – 225 ± 6 mm
Pump rod – threaded, eye-hook type made of SS or MS or FRP pump rod 3 metres long
-Lift pipe – UPVC (OD 63 mm x thickness 4.7 mm) in 2.9 metres or 3 metres
-Above ground, i.e. front and rear steering box handle and support assembly (hot-dip galvanised mild steel)
-Cylinder assembly – made from UPVC pipe with brass lining on the inside and brass or nylon plunger valve and foot valve (Derlin)
-Lining pipe – 100 mm to 200 mm. The Afridev hand pump can also be used in dug wells

