Arquivo de Floresta - Homegrid

February 12, 2025

Liming trees: benefits for fruit trees

Source: Liming trees: these are the benefits of applying lime to fruit trees Liming fruit trees is an ancient technique that remains one of the best ways to protect the bark of your fruit trees from damage caused by pests, fungi and sunburn. Eduardo CorellaMeteored México Liming fruit trees is an agricultural practice that

November 24, 2023

The farmer’s calendar

Calendar of sowings, plantings and harvests We are entering the most active season for collecting seeds of wild and native species. Continue preparing the beds for the upcoming autumn sowings and plantings. Now is the best time to sow and plant shrubs and trees. Prepare beds and dry matter to cover the base of the

October 27, 2023

Acorn Handbook

Acorn Conservation – With César Lema Costas Acorn preserving method by César Lema Costas Source:    Acorn Processing – With César Lema Costas Acorn preparation method Source:   Acorn-based products – With César Lema Costas Source:   Acorn cooking manual for the post-oil era Source:   Acorn Manual – César Lema

October 03, 2022

Fernanda Botelho // The plants in my life

Fernanda Botelho // The plants in my life Source: Medicinal plants and edible wild herbs Source: I plant edible and medicinal flowers Source: Edible Spontaneous Herbs Source: I create my herb garden Source: Fernanda Botelho // Açafroa Source: Fernanda Botelho // Alecrim Source: Fernanda Botelho // Alcachofra e

September 21, 2022

The Healing of the Forest

Source: Focused on Healing the Community’s Relationship with the Earth’s Web Healing Forest Portugal is a holistic regeneration project developed by the Healing Forest Collective. Our goal is to raise individual, community and planetary consciousness through actions that connect us to the Earth and the community. And also to co-create a just and abundant

August 29, 2022

TERRA SÃ history of Vale do Junco, in São Luís The 2nd episode of the series TERRA SÃ to tell you the story of the Junco Valley, in São Luís, where Miguel Queirós, inspired by Yeomans’ systems, and in partnership with Terracrua Design, designed and implemented a complex system of accesses, ditches and rainwater retention structures for irrigation and domestic use. In an area