Passive House Consulting - Homegrid

July 23, 2021

Passive House Consulting

We turn your project into a Passive House!

Homegrid provides the Passive House consulting service, providing customers with their know-how and transferring competence to achieve excellence and high levels of performance.

It is a service provided in projects that are not the responsibility of Homegrid, in new or existing buildings, at any stage of the process.

For each customer, a list of tasks will be defined according to their needs, such as the analysis of the energy balance with PHPP, the definition of building envelope solutions and systems and equipment, among others.

Passive House is a building standard that is truly energy efficient, comfortable and affordable at the same time.

Health and Comfort

Passive House contributes to the health and wellbeing of its users. The interior environment in a Passive House is marked by the good air quality, thermal comfort (minimum temperature of 20°C and maximum temperature of 25°C) and the inexistence of relevant thermal variations.

Healthy building

A Passive House is developed in full respect to the principles of building physics avoiding the emergence of building pathologies and optimizing the general building performance.

Energy Efficiency

Passive House is the highest standard of energy efficiency in the world: energy savings reach 75% compared to conventional buildings. Passive House is a proven and tested solution that is in accordance to the NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Building definition.


A Passive House may not exceed the construction cost of a conventional construction. The operating costs of a Passive House are substantially lower than a conventional building due to reduced energy and maintenance demands.


In a Passive House there is a drastic reduction of CO2 emissions due to its energy efficiency. The Passive House standard contributes to climate protection by the minimum dependence on fossil fuels. The low energy demand of a Passive House can easily be fulfilled by renewable energy sources.

1. Adequate insulation levels in the building envelope components;
2. Use Passive House windows and doors;
3. Ventilation system with heat recovery;
4. Airtightness of the building envelope;
5. Avoid thermal bridges in the building envelope.

Heating annual demand <15kWh(m2a)
peak load <10 W/m2
Cooling annual demmand <15kWh(m2a)
+ dehumidification demand
peak load <10 W/m2
Primary energy PE < 120 kWh (m2a)
PER < 60 kWh(m2a)
Airtightness blower door test(n50) < 0,6rph
Thermal comfort temperature between 20 e 25oC
overheating < 10% of the time